Milky Spore Granular – 20 lb bag
Combine Milky Spore With Beneficial Nematodes To Maximize Japanese Beetle Grub Control!
Milky Spore contains spores of the bacteria Paenibacillus popilliae (formerly Bacillus popillae), which work specifically against the grub stage of the Japanese beetle (Popilia japonica). It poses no threat to people, animals, plants or beneficial insects. When Milky Spore is introduced into the soil, it will lie dormant until grubs begin feeding on roots where the bacteria is present. Once ingested, the spore multiplies inside the grub with a single spore creating up to 3 billion new spores in each host grub. These spores kill Japanese Beetle grubs in about a week after infection. As the grub decomposes, the billions of spores it contained are released back into the soil to start the whole process again. Over time, Milky Spore fills out the soil creating a soil environment that Japanese beetles simply cannot survive in.
Milky Spore’s effectiveness can be enhanced by the use of NemaSeek beneficial nematodes. They are unharmed by the infective bacteria and help spread it as the nematode moves through the soil pursuing grubs, weevils and larvae. Apply Milky Spore dry, then water in the NemaSeek for complementary control of grubs.
Coverage Rate: A 20 lb. bag of Milky Spore Granules treats up to 7,000 sq. ft.
Additional Information:
- Japanese Beetles, Milky Spore and Soil Inoculation
This Product Controls: Japanese Beetle Grubs (Popillia japonica)